TGE: 01 - Dave Molesky
David Molesky’s oil paintings explore our relationship to the sublime forces of nature. He is interested in the psychology behind the creative process and experiences of awe, as well as the magic of paint—how a goopy amorphous substance can be transformed into illusionistic images capable of arousing empathy and contemplation. His paintings have been exhibited throughout the United States and Europe and form part of the permanent collections of a number of public museums including the Long Beach Museum of Art and the Iloilo Museum of Contemporary Art, Philippines.
David Molesky, 2021, Days Pass, oil on linen, 47x71in
David Molesky, 2018, BYLGJA, oil, chalk, and charcoal on linen, 83x113in
David Molesky, 2020, Nyi Loro Kidul, oil on canvas, 60 x 52in
Visit artist website here.